555 Difficult Bible Questions Answered

467. What Is the Christian's Duty as to Sabbath Observance?

Paul gave this advice to people who were troubled by legalists in his day: "Let no man judge you in meat or in drink or in respect of . . . the Sabbath days" (Col. 2:16). In every generation since Christ and before his time, there were people who laid more stress on days and forms and ceremonies than on essentials. The Pharisees found it much easier to give tithes of their kitchen-gardens than to do justly and refrain from robbing widows and orphans. You as a Christian are not under the law at all. When Gentiles were first admitted to the Church it was expressly declared that they were not required to observe the Jewish code of laws. The question came up at a solemn council at which the Apostles were present and was decided once for all. You will find the result of the discussion in Acts 15. In the name of the Holy Spirit the decision was given as stated in verses 28 and 29, and it was expressly stated that no other burden was laid upon them. They naturally and properly celebrated the day on which Christ rose from die dead, not the Jewish Sabbath, with which they had nothing to do, and we follow their example.